Fat experiences

Barely fitting in booth.

My wife hasn't fit into a restaurant booth in three years. And I love it. Soon I won't either. ☺️
1 year

Barely fitting in booth.

Booths are there to remind us of what we have done to our bodies. I find it hot!
1 year

Barely fitting in booth.

There's an odd sized booth at one of my favorite places. The last time I was there we were seated in it. I'm kind of short, and my belly fit fine under the table, but my boobs had to sit on top of it. It was hilarious!
1 year

Barely fitting in booth.

Yea… suddenly paying much more attention to booth size…. Prefer a table these days….. Really struggled to get myself out of one last week!
1 year

Barely fitting in booth.

I usually go for the half booth and hairs on the other side. That way I can push the table out and still sit in the booth.
1 year

Barely fitting in booth.

Most booth seats I've encountered don't have a fixed table which comes in handy. I'll pull it closer to myself leaving room for more room for my partner. Otherwise they are eating less at the restaurant and taking extra home to have later.
1 year

Barely fitting in booth.

I haven’t fit in a booth for a long time. I always ask for a table.
1 year

Barely fitting in booth.

SHE is now so fat she has to plop her breasts right onto the table and let them rest once she struggles into the booth.
1 year

Barely fitting in booth.

SHE is now so fat she has to plop her breasts right onto the table and let them rest once she struggles into the booth.

I feel like this is going to be us soon😅🤣🐷
1 year

Barely fitting in booth.

I don't even try them anymore. Chances are I'm not going to fit.
1 year
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